B7 boost gauge kit
B7 boost gauge kit

b7 boost gauge kit

Later edit: I can confirm it works via CAN on my car. My question is: This means I no longer need the wire from ECU? It gets it via CAN? I should've tried this the first time I put the cluster in for testing. Giving your information I need a wire from the ECU to display the boost in my A4 B7, I pulled the wire yesterday. I chose CAN-bus+ and the value is now accurate. I went into the menu to calibrate the sensor and chose the 3bar sensor instead of 2.5 and the inaccuracy increased, it was showing 2.4 bar now ) I went back into the calibration settings and I saw I have CAN-bus and CAN-bus+. Keeping track of boost pressure is a great way of consistently checking engine. Designed specifically for the B7 chassis, this electronically-actuated gauge allows for easy and accurate monitoring of turbocharger boost pressure.


I put the cluster back in the car today and saw the boost displayed, but it was inaccurate, it was showing 1.8 bar instead of 1 bar or 0.9 which was the actual value. ECS Tuning introduces a new and innovative way to install a boost gauge into your B7 Audi A4 2.0T.

b7 boost gauge kit

All Audi gauge models include an on-the-fly configuration menu for setting units (BAR/PSI for boost, and C/F MPH/KPH for VIDI values. Starting at a price competitive to single feature old-school needle gauges, they offer unmatched feature to price ratio. Giving your information I need a wire from the ECU to display the boost in my A4 B7, I pulled the wire yesterday from the ECU and connected it according to the diagram for my car, in pin 4 of the green connector of the cluster, representing the Analog input 1 for the boost. The custom P3 digital gauges offer more features than any other gauges in their segment.

B7 boost gauge kit